You can’t keep an ambitious and feisty woman out of power and profile in politics. BJP leader Khushbu Sundar has proved yet again that she is a woman of substance and stature. She had resigned from NCW in July, but her resignation was accepted only on August 14. It is said that certain high powered BJP leaders were on her side to speed up her resignation acceptance. A sparkling, animated and emotional Khushbu sashayed into the BJP TN HQ Kamalalayam on August 15, after one and half years of Vanvas. Khushbu is known to have fought her way through many political upheavals and frustrations, the best recalled ones about her party hopping and stormy encounters with TN heavyweights. Her talent as a brand ambassador is unique…and her fans have built a temple in her name. Her cinematic and small screen status is as intact as her self–confidence. Even today, she commands Rs 10 lakhs per day. But there are personal undercurrents to Khushbu turning Na Khush at this point. Even as she was almost being erased from popular memory, Radhika, her contemporary, had climbed several steps up the BJP pecking order, along with hubby Sarathkumar. Khushbu was acutely aware that her lost public ratings had quickly found a new lady brand in Radhika. At a recent Tiruppur event, Saratkumar was given pride of place on the BJP dais, an event where Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan was not invited. Time for intervention. Like Mamata, Khushbu challenged. Now the game starts. Khela Hobe?