The civility will remain, but it is the end of the bonhomie between the Opposition AIADMK and the ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu. When former chief minister O Panneerselvam, on his wife’s death, wept in the close presence of current chief minister MK Stalin, it was a sign that maturity in Tamil Nadu politics is here to stay. But the DMK is bent upon pursuing its own interests as a few actions betraying agenda pursuits were witnessed. The first was the move to affiliate the Jayalalithaa University in Villupuram to the Annamalai varsity, which is seen as a move by the rulers to suppress Jaya’s name. The second was the announcement that the Karunanidhi statue would be restored to its original place on Mount Road from where it was removed during the Jayalalithaa regime. “Traffic hazard” was quoted as the reason to move a centrally placed tribute to the late DMK patriarch in his bronze statue with the trademark tinted glasses to cover for a childhood eye injury. Stalin was more than civil in allowing ration and condiments bags with the portraits of Jaya and EPS to be in continued use until they are exhausted in order to save Rs 10 crore for the government. But he is pursuing other things close to his dad’s heart like hiding the Assembly in the Omadurar building rather than Fort St George.