The deal street is abuzz with the news that the former HDFC executive Satrajit Bhattacharya is close to acquiring a Mumbai-based mid-sized housing finance company. People in the know of the deal, say it is perhaps one of the biggest acquisition deals by a start-up in recent times. Bhattacharya is expected to make a public announcement soon of his acquisition as well as the launch of Weaver Services. Ever since the 54-year old Satrajit quit his high profile job from HDFC, the country’s premier housing finance company, he has been on the radar of I-bankers and Executive Search firms with a job offer. But he was keen to become an employer not an employee. As soon the cooling period was over Satrajit made his entrepreneurial plans of getting into affordable housing finance space public. Being an M & A specialist, his strategy to hit the ground running by acquiring a housing finance company seems to have attracted well known PE players. It is learnt that they are willing to bankroll him for more acquisitions. Satrajit’s entry into the housing finance space seems well-timed given the fact that the government is keen to address the massive housing shortage in India –estimated at around 10 crore units — with the bulk of the shortage being in the lower income segments.