Maratha caste reservation demand’s chief proponent Manoj Jarange Patil has now decided to wage a battle to ensure that loans of the farmers in the state are written off. Already hitting headlines for his various announcements about fielding candidates in most assembly constituencies in the state, Jarange has now announced that he will tour Maharashtra to mobilise support for securing support for the new demand. The stand taken by Jarange before the Lok Sabha election earlier this year had cost several seats to the ruling Mahayuti. Ever since, leaders of all political parties are treating every statement by Jarange with caution. In recent weeks, two former Maharashtra CMs called on Jarange “to enquire after his health.” While Ashok Chavan has recently joined the BJP, his successor CM Prithviraj Chavan is seen becoming active. His supporters feel that in case Maha Vikas Aghadi has a majority after the election, he can emerge as a consensus candidate. Though belonging to the Group– 23 earlier, Prithviraj has mended his fences with the Congress high command after Mallikarjun Kharge took over as AICC president. Though Jarange’s demand for the Maratha reservation is still entangled in a judicial battle, Jarange is becoming more and more intransigent by the day, sensing the political uncertainty. His next plan of action will be declared on 5 September.