In a path breaking move the Madhya Pradesh has entered into collaboration with BTA (British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin) Training Academy, the UK’s reputed, education training body that offers excellence in educational innovation. The BTA, it is learnt, will draft the academic curriculum and the knowledge will be imparted to the MP government medical staff through its partner hospitals Link Hospital and Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences in Gwalior and Indore respectively. This MoU is designed to upskill medical staff in the MP state who will receive top-class education based on the cumulative rich experience of England’s 75-year-old National Health Service (NHS) experience. The NHS is globally recognized as one of the best in the world in the primary, Emergency, and definitive care sectors. Doctors at the BTA who are trained and who have worked in the NHS for several decades will be instrumental in ensuring the best educational model will be created for Indian conditions and appropriate curriculum will be shared with its partner hospitals. In 2005, the World Health Organization published recommendations for actions regarding emergency medical systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In LMICs, it is gauged that by improving pre-hospital and Emergency care, deaths may be reduced by half. According to the World Bank, India is home to just 10% of the world’s registered vehicles yet accounts for 22% of traffic deaths. Indicating an immediate need to strengthen post-crash care.