Do you remember Parry, Nutrine and Ravalgon? For many decades, they were dominating the Indian toffee and candy industry. Many smaller firms producing unbranded candy and toffee, too, co-existed with them. But these big names have long become forgotten brands. The minor ones have also fallen into the pages of history. A combination of factors has appeared to have accelerated the consignment of these brands to distant memory. For one, the industry itself has undergone a metamorphosis. For another, the advent of digitisation too has pushed them to near oblivion. Digital payments have become popular, and every vendor of assorted sort is happily accepting the digital payment of even the tiny sum. Time was when toffees and candy proved useful for the vendors who did not have `small change’ to return the buyers the balance money. Toffees and candy came in handy for vendors who used to offer them in lieu of tiny change to make the balance payment for the buyers. The advent of digital payments changed the whole dynamics surrounding the toffee and candy business since the vendors don’t need to stock them to offset the shortage of ‘tiny change’. Also, in the emerging modern world, the consumption habits of people at the bottom of the pyramid too have changed. If change has brought in transformation at a larger level, it has also caused huge damage at a different level. That has turned bitter for some, at least!