A boxing globe trotter and a frequent traveler to the quadrennial Summer Olympics, Kishen Narsi has decided to give the 2020 Tokyo Olympics to be held in July-August, a miss. His daughter and son who live abroad have prevailed upon him to stay with his wife Ruby in Mumbai saying it’s best for him to do some homework! A Mumbai kutchi who trained himself as paper-weight class boxer in the 1960s, Narsi went to Los Angeles 1984, Seoul 1988, Barcelona 1992, Beijing 2008 and London 2012 as a referee-judge/ Jury member; and to Montreal 1976, Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 as a spectator. The boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics by the Western countries prevented him from accepting the invitation to Russia. Narsi was also a referee-judge at the Asian Games at Bangkok 1978, New Delhi 1982, Seoul 1986, Beijing 1990, Hiroshima 1994 and Bangkok 1998 and Jury member at Guangzhou 2010. He has officiated at various world events in Armenia, Venezuela, Casablanca, Mongolia, Macau, Tashkent, Victoria, Mexico, Chicago, Doha, Canberra, Hamburg and Poland since 1970. There is still a lot of uncertainty about the Olympics in Japan which is considering extending the national emergency to tackle the Covid pandemic, but Narsi who is one of the experienced boxing officials in the world has taken a firm decision not to go. “Look, the Olympics will not be the same. On off days, I see other sports live. This time you will be stuck in the room. You cannot mingle because of restrictions,” said Narsi without a hint of disappointment. He has not responded to the accreditation form sent to him by the Tokyo Olympics Boxing Task Force.