Is having a famous surname boon or bane? Ask the Hyderabad-registered Electronics Mart India Ltd (EMIL), a leading consumer durables and electronics retailer. It is facing a court battle on this front. It was originally set up as a proprietorship firm under the banner of Bajaj Electronics in 1980 over the years it became a public limited company with the present name but sells goods under the brand name Bajaj Electronics. But they are not connected with the famous Bajaj conglomerate. Bajaj Electricals Ltd (BEL) have filed a suit against EMIL, its promoters and Astha Bajaj, director of EMIL, alleging infringement of the trademark “BAJAJ ELECTRICALS”. In the suit, BEL has prayed for a perpetual order to restrain EMIL, its directors, subsidiaries and other associated persons or entities from infringing and passing off its said registered trademarks by manufacturing, marketing, selling and/or dealing in any products bearing the said trademark or using any name/mark containing the word “BAJAJ” for any goods/products or service/ business activity including on any e-commerce/online platform, except for using the trade mark/trading name “BAJAJ ELECTRONICS” for the electronic retail business/retail stores in the State of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, alone. The suit and interim application are currently pending before the Bombay High Court. If the legal proceedings are not decided in EMIL’s favour, then it may not be able to use the trademark “BAJAJ ELECTRONICS” outside the states of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana. By arrangement with