At the G20 climate summit held in Glasgow, Prime Minister Narendra Modi must have felt like Midas, reincarnated. Heads I win, tails you lose. This last chance for reigning in global warming saw a new phase of tu tu mein mein. And this blame game and tug of opinion between the have nations and have nots couldn’t have been better articulated than what Andy Mukherjee, columnist and analyst wrote for Bloomberg: “The real action is happening in NW Gujarat, not Glasgow.” Modi has two of the most ambitious, richest and dedicated fighters in the corporate world, racing for supremacy – Mukesh Ambani, 64 and Gautam Adani, 59. Like quick change Houdini, Ambani (with world’s biggest refining complex at Jamnagar spewing emissions) has already committed investments worth $36 billion in four sunrise domains: solar panels, batteries, green hydrogen and fuel cells. Adani had a head start with his coal powered plants (not seen cool by environment guardians); his 360 degree turn is for a 20,000 MW gigantic integrated solar wind and hybrid electricity empire. The hydrogen generation units will take off like the proverbial balloons, decarbonising India’s fuel needs for the future. Now is it crystal clear, Modi wins any which way. It just means custom making certain policies for the Atlas corporations. Is anyone complaining?