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The 777 Chinese For Tokyo Olympics

Under fire from the international community for allegedly creating the pandemic, bruising the global economy, bringing the fun-filled and joyful lives of the world to a standstill, China will send a record 431 vaccinated athletes (for an overseas multi-event games comprising 298 women, 133 men) for the Summer Olympics celebrations in Tokyo in its 125th year. In all, the dragon country will send a jumbo delegation of 777 athletes and officials. The quadrennial showpiece event founded by the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin, known as the father of the modern Olympic Games, has acquired the moniker “COVID Games” because of the contagious nature of the virus that has caused millions of deaths, postponed the games by a year, and forced top-notch sportspersons to drop out. Japan (population: 13 crore) has already spent around $16 billion to keep the Olympics going ahead, in spite of a stout local opposition. A little over three hours flight from Beijing to Tokyo, that cost upwards of $ 1730 (Rs 1.3 lakh), China had the financial muscle to fill the 42 venues with cheering crowds, and look to grab much of the 339 glittering gold medals across 33 events. But Tokyo has made the 18-day event a TV-screen games. China’s youngest participant in Tokyo will be 14, and the oldest, 52.