This New Year, Tamil Nadu is all set to host The Global Investor Meet on January 7. TN Industries minister Dr TRB Rajaa has conceptualised a number of unusual investor magnets to make this summit not just a meet, greet and eat exotic South Indian cuisine congregation, but a totally new investor experience with a wide spectrum of business choices. The summit will showcase not just big tech, the new energy vistas, green footprint enterprises but also give a ringside seat to TN’s vast rural economy. For starters, the much talked about Village Cooking you tube channel is to participate and present the country’s scrumptious village cuisine, unique to every region, using local ingredients and in season produce, and drool worthy dishes . A Pudukkottai village, Chinna Veera Mangalam has gained 100 million viewers for its Village Cooking — a start-up launched by six friends in 2018, viewed globally. But for its chief dreamer M Periathambi, it was not a millet cake walk. Initially they had no viewers for the rustic and unfamiliar cuisine. “So they paused, took a look at their mistakes and learned from other cooking channels. From 3 episodes per week, it is only three per month now but fine-tuned, presented with much spontaneity. They earn Rs 10 lakhs per month. According to Vishnu Venugopal from Guidance (a nodal agency for Investor inflows) its aim is to tap the entrepreneurial talent of rural areas. Food is a great leveller, rural or urban.