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Salman Lends Support To Maha Govt’s Vaccine Drive, Stands With SRK On Aryan Case

Vaccine hesitancy mindset seems to be the biggest challenge for both the Central and State governments. And, this hesitancy is more pronounced in Muslim-dominated areas, says Maharashtra’s Public Health Minister Rajesh Tope. With a view to address this issue, the Maharashtra government sought Salman Khan’s help to convince people to take jab. On his part, Salman very quickly put out a short video and appealed to people to take vaccines. Salman’s mass appeal should certainly help. On Twitter alone he has 43.2 million followers. It is quite well known that both he and his father, the well-known script writer Salim Khan are close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi from his days as the Chief Minister of Gujarat. During the Uttarayan Festival both Salman and Modi were seen flying kites. Yet, Salman surprised everybody visiting Shah Rukh Khan’s house when his son Aryan was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau in connection with the drugs-on-cruise case. Many stars did not show their solidarity openly for the fear of incurring wrath of the Central government but not Salman. Surprisingly, nobody trolled him for that. He is the only Khan who is known to be non-political and that has worked to his advantage. Yes, he has strong views but he does not hesitate to pick up the phone and talk to any politicians if he can help somebody.