When a popular film star is hospitalised, the fans go crazy and rumours take wings especially when the family and medical staff are tight-lipped. Fifty-two year old Ajith kumar, Thala for his fans was hospitalised on the March 7 ostensibly for a full health check-up at Apollo Hospital, Chennai. And this news of his hospitalisation spread like wildfire. Ever since his return from Azerbaijan after the shoot of the much hyped VidaaMuyarchi (where art director Milan Fernandez died of a heart attack) Ajith had stoically put up with constant migraines, neck pain and loss of energy…but such health setbacks were part of this car and bike race enthusiast who had been through a few accidents as a racer. Also his serious stunts for his action filled films already put him at risk, but Ajith insisted on dangerous action shots for authenticity. Apollo Hospital doctors advised for a full check-up including MRI. Sure enough the MRI proved providential; it was found that the ear brain nerve was blocked by ganglion cyst or non-cancerous lump. Immediately, surgery was done and the lump removed. Ajith was discharged on March 9 with a stern warning to take complete rest, avoid risky body contact action shots and even flying. Ajith’s son Aadvith had just celebrated his birthday and the pictures were still trending as a happy family.