The recent bout of intensified terror attacks launched in the Jammu region of the J&K Union Territory of India by Pakistan is akin to an unofficially declared war backed up by Chinese armory and Pakistani sniper commandos tasked with inflicting mortal damage upon the Indian army. According to a source, “The targeted terror strikes in the Hindu dominated Jammu region over the last three months has witnessed military sharp commandos carrying out the attacks using sophisticated Chinese make weapons and bullet proof vests piercing bullets to cause collateral loss of Indian soldiers. These apparent terrorists are expert snipers trained to set their sights on vulnerable spots on the soldiers notwithstanding the vests they wear.” Already, five to six families (Kashmiri Pandits) resident in the border regions of Jammu have relocated providing indication of the intent of the Pakistani offensive. Additionally, the huge lithium reserves discovered in the region that India intends to exploit to launch into the next age of economic development of the country through new age battery technology is also sought to be undermined by arresting the region of Jammu under a vortex of new found terrorism to literally bring physical regions under Pakistan’s terror cloud. J&K Governor Manoj Sinha, meanwhile, is working overtime after securing additional troops to quell the resurgent terror targeting soldiers and the Hindu population living peacefully in India’s paradise on Earth. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Russia in the wake of the intensified attacks were also aimed at exploiting the Russian alliance with China in order to curtail the latter’s tacit backing for Pakistan. The signs are ominous just like in 2019, when Modi stopped referring to Pakistan by name following the Pulwama terror attack and the Balakot strike upon terror was launched.