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Mumbai’s Ex-Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh On The Run, After Lookout Notice By NIA

Former Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh has gone absconding, according to the Maharashtra home department. A home department official told this website, “A team of police officials visited his residence in Punjab where we were told he is unavailable. He is wanted for questioning in a number of cases registered against him at several police stations of Maharashtra.” A well-placed central revenue intelligence official also confirmed that Singh, who proceeded on leave after being transferred as chief of Maharashtra Home guards, in the wake of several complaints of corruption against him was unavailable at his residence in Chandigarh. Singh did not respond to phone calls, SMS and WhatsApp communications. A well-placed source in the Maharashtra police department added, “A lookout notice had been issued against Singh by the National Investigative Agency (NIA) that had also informed the Bombay High Court that Singh also faced the prospect of arrest despite being the complainant in the case registered against former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, against whom also a lookout notice was also issued recently. Singh is also accused of running a den of corruption with his stint as police commissioner of Thane city is believed to have been enjoying the patronage of political satraps from Maharashtra that allowed him to operate with impunity for several years before he fell foul of his political mentors.