While pursuing her master’s degree in law, this Manchester-based young mother of a four-year old boy did the unthinkable. Rup Ghosh Roy decided court battles were not her cup of tea but cinema is. And she took the plunge as writer-director with a documentary feature titled The Monalisa Smile? Why a question mark? This bold, brave, and hard-hitting film explores the lives of 12 South Asian women living and working in the UK. The film shot in a documentary format throws light on the problems they face daily. Rup, who received an overwhelming response from 48 women with real life stories managed finally to capture 12 unique storytellers, from a beauty queen to an online chef, to a doctor who is also an animal rights activist. The film also explores serious issues such as bullying, racism, etc. The aim of making this documentary is to create awareness, make the film relatable to women and young girls in the UK, and eventually send a message that they are not alone in their battles. Self-funded Rup uploaded her film on filmfreeway.com and entered national and international film festivals like LIFT-OFF GLOBAL, and won the Audience Choice Award and First Time Filmmaker 2023. Her first documentary has created enough waves and she is being noticed and talked about.