This Karwachauth saw more than the moon through the sieve of tradition. It saw the trampling of a tradition. Dabur aired this in-your-face ad about a lesbian couple, their beautifying for the sacred Karwachauth, when married women fast the whole day (Nirjal) for the longevity of the spouse. Dabur planned to sneak in a Fem ad, and also legitimise this relationship by presumably the mother of the gay partner. She is shown handing over costly sarees and jewellery, and blessing to the one who is the “wife spouse”! When netizens reacted with revulsion, Dabur withdrew the ad with an apology. However advanced sexual preferences are in the closet, there are certain mores you don’t trample on with impunity. Bhavesh Talreja, founder of Mobile Advertising platform, Global Media said, “All companies live and thrive under a political system….” Interestingly, a plea about same sex marriage had come up for hearing in the Delhi High Court…. timing, timing is everything. Tushar Mehta, Solicitor General of India, argued that same sex marriages cannot be brought under the umbrella of the Hindu Marriage Act. The Government’s stand is that marriage is permissible only between a biological man and woman. Karwachauth is a premium event in the calendar of marketers, who must acknowledge that the society is still not ready for such woke gyan and experiments. Dabur seems to have got the message: don’t mess with our culture!