Suddenly Kollywood is facing an existential crisis after its 2024 stocktaking. A Telugu sequel, Pushpa 2 hauled in Rs 1500 crore in just a few weeks. But Kollywood is shell shocked and stunned by the math –it trotted up Rs 1,000 crore loss in 2024. Where did it go wrong? Of 241 films released, 223 were either flops or performed badly. Even as Malayalam films faced Rs 700 crore loss, Kollywood could reap only Rs 2,000 crore. Of its repertoire, 18 films satisfied big outlays and stars … Amaran, GOAT, Meiyazhagan, Aranmanai 4 and a few more. 186 small and medium budgets like Demonte Colony 2, Romeo, Andhagan, Vaazha, Lubber Pandu and Pechi did good business on modest outlays. Tamil Film Producers Council Secretary, K Rajan said “Of the 241 films released in 2024, only 7% have brought cheer to the producers and all other stakeholders. We need quality films backed by strong scripts and stories”. Looks like the much celebrated Kollywood factory seems to be facing a creativity hiatus. Can’t blame fickle audiences and non performing cast who earn astronomical remuneration. Actually, there are many conflicting pulls…OTT, attention deficit, lack of time to watch a film unravel for 2-plus hours, and myriad other digital distractions. Time to change according to the ecosystem. Nayakan, Thalapathi, Thillana Mohanambal, Sankarabharanam, Thevar Magan and past film hits underscore the creativity of Kollywood to give gripping films. Will Kollywood reinvent itself?