The Chief Justice of India has inspired and installed a brand new Lady Justice in the SC library, in an effort to bin many a vestige of British colonialism. The just sculpted Lady Justice is as Indian as she can get…she wears a bindi, bangles and strongly resembles Goddess Saraswati. The makeover immediately flashes memories of how justice was strongly and tellingly portrayed in our films with titles like Andha Kanoon, Insaaf ka Tarazu in Hindi, Sattam Oru Iruttu Arai (law is a dark room) in Tamil. The stark inequalities and systemic interpretation of class, gender and caste that torment society were portrayed as the “interpretation” of the law by the Lady Justice, blindfolded, holding a weighing scale in her right hand and a sword in her left. These symbols were meant to convey an impartial system that did not discriminate, and one that meted out punishment, swiftly. The new symbol is significant in keeping with the new Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita replacing the old, the saree clad Lady Justice has no blindfold and the Indian Constitution replaces the sword as a revered Tome in her left hand. She strongly resembles Devi Saraswati from the paintings of Raja Ravi Varma or from the Pooja idols of Kolkata’s Kumartuli. But mere intent to clean up colonial cobwebs is not enough. With 51 million cases clogging the judicial system, 80,000 in the SC alone, delaying justice delivery in a shocking way, how is the system gearing up for fast redressals and closures?