Despite the fact Tata Power invested Rs 4,245 crore in infrastructure development and network upgradation in Odisha, there was a sudden protest-march from farmers in Western Odisha’s Bargarh district. The protesting farmers led by Saheed Madho Singh Regional Farmers’ Organisation dumped over 3,000 smart power meters in Tata Power’s office alleging that their electricity bills are inflated and are disproportionate to their actual usage. It seems farmers who were earlier getting monthly bills of around Rs 500 per month and this number has gone up anywhere between Rs 2,000 and Rs 3,000 today. Also, there are allegations that farmers have been asked to pay arrears anywhere from Rs 50,000 to Rs 4 lakh. Besides, faulty billing farmers are complaining of frequent power cuts and low voltage as well. Tata Power Western Odisha Distribution CEO Praveen Kumar Verma, however said the smart meters are accurate in measuring the readings. He has assured the farmers their concerns would be addressed including replacement of old cables, voltage fluctuations and power cuts.