Make in India, as a concept, cannot be simply wished away in a country with a population of over 140 crore. Not surprisingly, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is leading the push and leaving no stone unturned in convincing overseas companies to make in India to address the domestic needs and also satiate the global demand. This, no doubt, requires a holistic approach. But this one move appears to be a self-defeating exercise. Or how else could one describe this? Well, an exercise is believed to be quietly under way to issue BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) certificates to overseas manufacturing facilities of multinationals which intend to sell their branded iconic products in India. Clearly, it is an oxymoron exercise. On the one hand, there is a high-level intention to entice people to set up shops in India. On the other hand, there is a liberal approach to issuing BIS certificates for overseas facilities of companies which intend to make their iconic brands in India. If they could get a BIS certificate for their overseas plants, why would they think of setting up shops in India either on their own or through collaborations? Even as the owners of big brands are pushing hard to get a BIS tag for their facilities abroad, the Indian industries such as footwear and others are feeling somewhat fidgety. Well, the government machinery appears to be working at a cross-purpose.