It was a mixed reaction for Salman Khan-Disha Patani starrer Radhe released on Eid. A few film critics and some in social media platform were quite negative. A video of youtuber sharing her expert opinion on the movie in a typical Bhojpuri flair just added to the suspense and curiosity. If it was the plant of rival camps and certain multiplexes to ensure that the film is not a hit, it clearly didn’t succeed. “Radhe has experienced positive response from viewers, right from the first day of its release, wherein it clocked 4.2 million views across platforms. The film has also received encouraging box office collections in the overseas markets. The film has reinforced the fact that the viewers in India are ready for the Pay Per View model and ZEE has been at the forefront of this change,” said Shariq Patel, CEO of Zee Studios. Pay Per View is a very old model. DTH platforms have this. You could also compare it with VCR which one hired in the eighties to watch movies; it is just that the mode of delivery has become digital. Interestingly, the popular IMDb gave Radhe, a rating of 1.7 – the lowest this season. Yet the brand pull of Salman Khan saw the movie reportedly gross over Rs 250 crore. This figure more than covers its production cost and earns the producers tidy profit. Only digital approach may not work for big ticket films. But there is no denying the fact that hybrid model is here to stay. One must commend Salman’s production house for innovative marketing and distribution of Radhe. He has shown the industry a new path. And perhaps his confidence stems from the fact that 50 million plus fans on social media will not let him down.