Followers of deputy chief minister Ajit Pawar are livid at Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut for likening their leader to a pink chameleon. Raut made this comment at an election meeting of the opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) in Mumbai on Friday. Though the obvious reference was to Ajit’s decision to wear pink jackets following a PR firm’s advice, what Raut meant was the way the NCP leader had been changing his statements over the past few days. Ajit had expressed regrets in a channel interview just a couple of days ago for fielding his wife Sunetra against his cousin Supriya Sule in Baramati for the Lok Sabha election. His latest statement that he may not contest the assembly election himself from Baramati seat has miffed his party workers since the constituency has been loyal to him since the 1990s. Some of his close associates are reportedly in two minds about continuing with him. Launching a broadside against him, Raut said the pink colour never succeeds in politics. He gave the example of the rout of KCR’s Bharat Rasthra Samiti. Raut said, “Only the saffron or the tricolour succeed in politics.” By this, he indicated the party flags of the Congress and the Sena (UBT). Raut’s remarks evoked instant reactions. NCP(SP) emerging leader Yugendra Pawar made it clear that such criticism was not desirable. He reminded the Sena MP that Ajit Pawar was his paternal uncle after all.