Kangana Ranawat has earned the sobriquet stormy petrel of Indian Cinema. Time and again she has shown a near megalomaniac side, with strong delusions of her own grandeur. She is in the news for all the wrong reasons. Like the time when the combined vitriol of the Shiv Sena, Maharashtra Congress and the BMC led to demolishing illegally a part of her plush Mumbai office…Kangana called it “rape”! Kangana moved from B Team apparatchik to A team BJP mouthpiece, and then came the foot-in-the mouth moment. She declared loftily, deadpan and sensationally to a news channel, “What India got in 1947 was not Independence, it was Bheek from the Brits. We became truly Azaad only in 2014”. Many clutched their bellies LOL, but most came down strongly on this silliness. Varun Gandhi, the also ran of the clan, “It is an outrage and national betrayal.” But what historian Ramchandra Guha wrote is the most telling indictment of all such affront profanations…Winston Churchill, the Greatest Briton hated the Greatest Indian….Mahatma Gandhi! The cigar chomping bulldog pathologically loathed this loin cloth fakir marching up the steps of the Imperial Viceregal Palace, demanding Freedom for India. And he got it for us, without firing a single shot from his gun. Kangana Ranawat, don’t ever desecrate or denigrate the Father of Our Nation. He is above all party aspirations.