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Will ED Arrest Tamilnadu Minister Senthil Balaji Again?

On March 6, the Enforcement Directorate investigated Tamil Nadu minister V Senthil Balaji’s close circle of liquor vendors /suppliers and many in the TASMAC liquor chain network, including its head office in Egmore. For five days an ominous silence but on March 13, an avalanche hit the TN government –the 2-page report cited many clauses of the 1988 Anti-Corruption Act, some even citing TN ‘s own FIRs. Take your pick from the violations …Rs 10 to Rs 30 MRP hike per bottle, choice of amenable vendors who paid speed money, appointment and transfer of staff and the nexus between this spirited scam of top officials and the TASMAC network. In fact, a mound of corruption that enabled many a tippler to remain high but brought down the intoxication of ill-gotten wealth for TASMAC operators. The high point is the way “Bar Tenders” (pun intended) were selected and awarded, choosing amenable distilleries, choice of glass bottles that clinked even as TASMAC swept in the money. SNJ, KALS, Accord, SAIFL, Shiva Distillery are quoted in the big fraud. Devi Bottles, GLR Holdings and Crystal also came under the scanner. “We are investigating this well spun spider web of nexus of stakeholders involved in one of TN’s highest revenue earners — TASMAC. But surprisingly no mention of Senthil Balaji, the minister in charge of liquor business. There are strong rumours that Senthil Balaji may be arrested again? It may be recalled that Balaji was arrested on June 13, 2023 and released on bail on September 26, 2024.