Ever since its release, Manjummel Boys, the mind bending Malayalam movie has been acclaimed as a super hit film, raking in Rs 165 crore worldwide. Manjummel Boys (directed by Chidamabaram) has caught people’s craze like a roller coaster ride. The compelling twists and nail biting suspense builds up into a masterpiece narrative…fate has a way of twisting the most ordinary tourist shenanigans into tragic ends. Even as reviewers are going gaga over Manjummel Boys, one voice , that of Tamil author Jeyamohan has set the cat among cooing pigeons by slamming such deification of tourist culture in the most derogatory way that has further spiralled into Mallu Tamilian antagonism. In his book Yanai Doctor (Elephant Doctor), he has captured the “condemnable tourist culture of Malayalis (whom he terms in unpardonable terms as Porikkis, a pejorative no person has the right to use, least of all an author). Jeyamohan hits at the acceptance of Malayalam movies which routinely show men drinking, vomiting, getting into brawls and generally making a menace as a tourist. What angers him…the tourists after drinking, throw empty bottles on the roadsides, elephants treading on these broken glass pieces get hurt in their feet, infected…and many more such environmentally cruel acts. His conclusion, “It is movies like Manjummel Boys that deify rowdy behaviour, making it acceptable in society”. The argument can be turned over and over like dosa chains…good cinema art is appreciated wherever it comes from, deep concern for the environment must start with parenting.