The fat lady has already cleared her throat, and in full flowing lung power, has started singing. The two most awaited election results have turned out to be ….well, a whack in the solar plexus for the establishment. “It is not that I love Brutus less, but that I love Rome more.” Mamata Banerjee, despite a BJP juggernaut trying to flatten her, has shown her grit and staying power. Bengal has proved that the minorities are clearly signalling their insecurity: isn’t this what the BJP was supposed to address? Correct fake electoral rolls, and bring a sense of security? Despite that colossus, Jayalalithaa’s yawning void, an intrepid farmer, Edappadi Palanisami managed to keep Tamil Nadu going for the full term. Actually, surprising with his tenacity. An almost grudging admiration for his true grit crept in. Say the talking heads and wagging tongues: “Without the baggage of the BJP and PMK, he would have fared much better, he almost made it.” As they say, “tell me who your friends are, I will tell you who you are.” Again, the Tamilian knew exactly where to draw the line: our Tamilian identity and heritage are dear to us, we will not tolerate tampering with what we have built. In all this, the Sutradaar of these two strong comebacks is seen as the real hero: PK, Prashant Kishor, who scripted this telling victory for two of the most vocal leaders – MK Stalin and Mamata. No wonder that political punters are betting big on PK starting his own outfit, a pan national monolith to represent the aspirations of our youth, impatiently wanting to change a flawed legacy of 70 odd years.